News Moving Image Arts update Last autumn, Moving Image Arts AS level launched for its fourth year at Screen Education Edinburgh. To gain the qualification, students study elements of film history and specific styles of filmmaking, before using this knowledge to make their own films. The course has proven a great success, with many students progressing on to university and jobs in the screen industries. Our current cohort of students recently sat their mock exam at James Gillespie’s High School, and have all now moved on to their individual film projects. At least three films are now in the can and moving on to the post-production stage, with another six films ready to begin filming. Each year has given us a wide variety of films, with subjects ranging from frustrated detectives and mistaken assassins to some deeply personal stories that have allowed the students to express themselves in ways they may not have been able to previously. We are particularly proud of some of our previous films that have placed highly in CCEA’s Showcase, such as Omri Gardi’s Auteur, which was placed third in 2018. This year’s students include Ben Anstruther, Ricardo Bradley, Jack Currie, Lewis Forsyth, Amy Haddow, Isela Hamilton, Rameez Haq, Charlie Park-Long, Arran Parkes and Jake Somerville. We are intrigued to see what this year’s cohort will produce as they enter this crucial phase of the course. You can watch the films of our previous Moving Image Arts Students here. Manage Cookie Preferences