Project description 

The Young Person became involved with Screen Education Edinburgh though our Access to Film Course in partnership with the Hippodrome Film Festival. He attends a community group for Looked After and Accommodated Young People called the Falkirk Champions. 

In the Access course young people have the opportunity to get hands-on experience in screen writing, camera, sound directing, acting and editing. They work as a group, using state of the art film equipment, to produce a music video or shotgun short film.   

Background of young person featured  

The Young Person is a care leaver and engages with the Falkirk Champions on a weekly basis. When he initially started the film course he appeared wary of taking part. However, as the course progressed, with the support of youth workers and the film tutors he became more involved and by the end of the project he took charge of editing the final film. 


How the young person got involved 

The Young Person was invited to come along to an open session organised by the Falkirk Champions youth worker. He decided to sign up for the course after hearing about it. He had also seen the film from the previous years project so was aware of what could be made. He also said that it got him out of the house and was an opportunity to try something new. 


Outcomes achieved so far 

During the film screening at the Hippodrome Silent Film Festival, The Young Person participated in a question and answer session with audience members who had attended the screening. He spoke to a group of over 150 people of various ages and backgrounds and was able to explain the process they went through to make the film, talk about what he had enjoyed about that process and also answer questions that were put to him by the audience. This was something he said he would not have felt confident to do previously. 

The Young Person now attends SEE Youth on a Monday evening, travelling from Falkirk to attend.  This is a great achievement for someone who lives outside of Edinburgh and is not used to travelling into Edinburgh. Screen Education Edinburgh Youth (SEE Youth) is a committee made up of and led by young people aged between 16-25. SEE Youth is part of a suite of progression routes that young people can engage with once they have completed an initial course run by SEE. The main aims of SEE Youth are to provide accessible and fun opportunities which inspire young people to get involved in the art of film making through peer learning and community events.  SEE Youth also aims to create a safe space for young people to explore and experience film whilst promoting and encouraging collaborative projects. 

Impact so far on young person due to their participation with the project/programme you are running 

Since participating in the Access to Film Course and progressing onto SEE Youth, The Young Person has developed a wider social support network and now has friends outside of his regular circle. In addition to this while taking part in the course, The Young Person managed to secure a work placement with a joinery and plumbing firm which he is really enjoying. He has also maintained his good attendance record at college which he is extremely proud of.  The Young Person still has future aspirations to work in Web Design and is looking forward to participating in future learning experiences to help him to his future goal.  

When reflecting on his progress, The Young Person said that his confidence in taking part in new activities, taking on responsibility and socialising with new people has improved. When it came to edit the final film, he felt he took on most of the responsibility for this, said that he was proud of himself for taking this on and that ‘it felt good!’. He also said that one of the most important things he learned was about how to get along with new people, something that he will continue to develop through his contact with SEE Youth.